Race Timer
and Speedometer
Compatible with Hot Wheels and other 1:64 scale diecast model cars
Description - all versions
Cook’s Projects Race Timer and Speedometer is designed for 1:64 scale diecast model cars. The Race Timer will show the winning car in a 2-car race or the speed of each car as it passes through the gate. Each mode is selected by swiping a hand to block the light between the rear LED sensors at the back of the unit. Cars run in the direction toward the LCD, which is the front of the Race Timer and exit past the 4 speed sensors.
The Race Timer starts with a grand prix style audible start sound and flashing light sequence. The LCD indicates the elapsed time. As the first car passes the sensors, the winning car's lane LED is turned on. The race continues until the second car passes both sensors or 10s elapse from the first car completing the course. The winning race time and time difference between the winning and losing car is displayed in thousandths of a second. After a short delay, the individual car’s actual speed through the Race Timer is shown (Km/h). Displays can be paused or skipped. The Race Timer then counts down for another race, flashing lights shortly before the start sound and lights sequence begins again. During a race, if the second car does not pass the sensors within 10s of the first car, a crash is assumed and the winning lanes times and speeds are displayed before resetting.
In Speedometer mode, the Race Timer will constantly monitor cars travelling past the sensors. The green lane LED will light whilst the car is traveling through the Race Timer and once the front and rear sensors have been crossed, the measured speed (Km/h) is displayed on the LCD.
Once selected, the Race Timer will remain in the selected mode until power is removed from the unit. To change the mode, first remove the power from the USB connector. When power is reapplied, the mode can be reselected.
OPTIONAL EXTRA: Data can be transmitted to a computer via the USB cable to reveal more detailed information for both lanes, including actual times in milliseconds, and speeds converted to metres per second and Miles per Hour. This data output could be used as a record of all race or speedometer data in a multicar multi-race style event or for comparing different car or track characteristics.
Note pictures provided with cars are for illustration purposes. These pictures can have the cars facing the wrong direction! In actual use, cars should travel from the front (the LCD panel side) through the arches and exit past the rear sensors.
Using the Race Timer and Speedometer
Connect the USB A cable to a suitable 5v USB power source of 1A or greater. Care is required in connecting the USB cable to the Race Timer USB connector. Using excessive force may damage the connector or dislodge the internal components.
The Race Timer starts up in a selection mode. Swipe a hand or an object to break the light beam between the lower rear sensors to select the mode. Swiping the LEFT REAR beam will give a Speedometer mode and breaking the RIGHT REAR beam will start the Race Timer mode. To select a different mode, disconnect the USB power from the USB plug and reconnect to enter the mode selection again. We recommend disconnecting the USB cable from the power source rather than from the timer.
Race Timer
The Race Timer begins after a short sound and light start sequence. Once the lights go out, the Race Timer displays the elapsed time whilst monitoring both lanes. The first car to enter the Race Timer is the winner and the lane LED on the top lights to indicate the winner immediately. The unit will continue to monitor the other lane’s sensors until 10s have elapsed or until the car has been detected. The 10s delay is to allow the Race Timer to still display the first car’s times if the other lane’s car has crashed somewhere.
Note: The front sensors have to be crossed before the rear sensors in order to finish and register the finish times and speeds. To improve detection accuracy, the LCD display update is frozen during speed measurement. Updates resume once the car has left the tunnel.
The winning lane and race time is displayed on the LCD. The race time is the time from the lights going out until the first front sensor was crossed. The Winning Difference is the time between each lane’s front sensor being crossed.
After a delay, the next screen is displayed showing both lane’s speeds (Km/h) as they crossed the finish lines. These are actual speeds of the cars as they passed through the timer. The screen can be paused by swiping the LEFT FRONT sensor If extra time to record the information is needed.
The Race Timer then resets and begins another race with the start light and sound sequence. Should you wish to delay the start, swipe your hand across the LEFT FRONT sensor to enter pause mode. Both green LEDs will flash slowly with ‘P’' flashing on the screen. To continue, swipe your hand past the LEFT FRONT sensor again. Swipe the LEFT REAR sensor to get the timer to quickly reset and begin the start sequence again. This will bypass all other data screens and setup countdown and save time.
The Race Timer will remain powered and functional whilst the USB is powered. You will need a USB power bank or plug to provide power to the race timer (not provided).
The second function is a continuous Speed Measure function or Speedometer. When in this mode, the Race Timer acts like a speed gun and is optimised to detect the speed of any car that crosses the tunnel. This allows each car’s speed to be instantly measured. The top LED is now lit only when a car has been detected passing the front sensor, and extinguished once the car crosses the rear sensor. When a car has travelled past both sensors, the speed is calculated and displayed on the LCD immediately. The Race Timer will continuously measure the speed of cars passing through the unit and display each lane’s real speed immediately. This speed will remain displayed until replaced by that lane’s next detected speed.
To power off the unit, remove the USB power supply cable.
The unit is, in theory, capable of detecting speeds up to 1000 Km/h. Measurement accuracy decreases the faster the car travels but an accuracy of 0.01 Km/h or better is achieved at normal model car speeds (all versions). To ensure all data output at the end of a race is as accurate as possible, in Race Mode LCD updates are disabled when measuring car speed. The LCD elapsed time display will appear to freeze during this time. LCD updates resume once the car has left the tunnel. In Speedometer mode, and only when the speeds and times are being output to the LCD or connected computer, the accuracy will decrease during the period this is occurring. It is due to the time it takes to update the LCD. When a second car passes the sensors within a few milliseconds directly after the first car, the accuracy of the recorded speeds may be reduced. During this short period, there may be an error in the speed displayed and a ‘#’ is displayed to indicate this possible error.
The ADVANCED version provides additional hardware optimisation and improves the accuracy of measured times and speeds by a factor of 7; providing accuracy within 1% up to 88Km/h real speeds.
Serial Datalink - Data Output to a Computer
NOTE: This is an option available at purchase only and is indicated by a ‘d’ or ‘A’ following the version number displayed on the Race Timer on power up.
Connect the USB cable to a computer running a suitable serial data terminal program (e.g. Windows 10/11, PuTTY available as free online download). Ensure that the data terminal program is monitoring the correct COM port (see Device Manager) and running at 57600 baud. Please see separate instructions for details. (How to use the Datalink)
Dimensions (mm): 35 (width) x 104 (height) x 102 (depth) mm
Max recommended car size: <34mm wide and <44mm high
Weight: 260g
Power Supply: USB (A) 5v >1A (cable provided but USB power supply not provided)
Accuracy (version 2): Race Timer: Normally <0.3ms (Advanced model < 0.04ms)
Speedometer: Normally <0.3ms (Advanced model <0.04ms)
Maximum error 8ms only during data output
(Note: this accuracy is based on measured observation of the Race Timer in use. It has not been scientifically measured and is not temperature compensated. The actual accuracy of each Race Timer may be different due to wire lengths and wire impurities. No guarantee that every unit will meet this specification is given or implied.)
The Race Timer is suitable for use by young children but supervision is recommended. This Race Timer is a toy but does contain delicate electronics and dropping the unit will damage the internal components and/or casing. Older versions of the casing have the underside of the Race Timer uncovered and sharp electronic components may catch any fingers that are inserted into these cavities. Delicate electronics contained inside. DO NOT allow any fluids to penetrate the unit.
Whilst every care has been taken in the production of the Race Timer, it is individually made and needs to be treated with care. Components have been secured but may become dislodged if excessive force is applied.
The casing of the Race Timer is carefully designed to withstand normal use. It, or the internal components, may get damaged by use of some household cleaning solvents, dropping or by impact with fast moving or large cars. The case is sufficient for normal use but will become damaged if force is applied. The user is responsible for taking care of the unit.
Clean the casing using a soft damp cloth. If water enters the Race Timer, discontinue use IMMEDIATELY and disconnect from power supply by switching off at a mains switch.
Cars larger than 33mm wide or 44mm tall are not suitable for use with this Race Timer and may damage the unit if used.
Note: Image for dramatic effect. Cars must run toward the LCD display.